The Music Ministry at St. Edward’s is an integral part the parish’s worship life. The choirs and cantors provide musical leadership at the weekend masses as well as at special liturgies.
The St. Edward’s Choir is comprised of parishioners ranging in age from 13 to 85. Rehearsals are held in the church on Monday evenings at 7:45 and on Sunday mornings at 10:45. The role of the choir is to lead the congregation at the 11:30 Mass on Sunday morning. An annual service of Lessons and Carols is offered during the Advent season.
St. Edward's Children's Choir is dedicated to training young choristers to perform anthems of worship and praise, and to lead the congregation in singing hymns and responses at weekly Sunday 9:30 AM Family Mass. The choir season runs September - June.
Choristers range in age from six to fourteen. The full choir sings in church every Sunday.
We welcome any interested child to attend a Sunday morning rehearsal with a parent before deciding whether or not to join. Please contact the director in advance if you would like to attend a rehearsal.
Choir rehearses Sunday mornings directly after Family Mass, from 10:30 to 11:15 in the school music room off the cafeteria or Monday afternoons at 4:00pm in the Church.
Directors: Mr. Jeffrey Fox, Mrs. Marilyn Fox
Children’s Choir Director: Mrs. Cecilia Hayden
(516) 921-8030, ext. 150
Altar Servers assist the Priests and Deacons at Mass and other Liturgical Celebrations. Boys and girls in grades 4 and above may serve as altar servers. Training generally takes place in the fall. Contact the rectory office for details.
Eucharistic Ministers are called to bring the Eucharist to their fellow parishioners at Mass and to those who are hospitalized, homebound, or living in area nursing homes. Lectors offer the gift of proclaiming the Word of Christ to the people of God at weekend Masses. Those interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister or Lector should contact the Rectory.
Members of the Lazarus Ministry provide comfort to families and loved ones of our deceased parishioners and assist them with the planning of Funeral Masses and prayers services. If you are interested in joining this most rewarding ministry, contact the rectory office.
Our kind greeters welcome parishioners and guests entering our Church at weekend Masses, additional Liturgies, and special events at our parish. Our ushers assist with seating of parishioners and guests at weekend Masses and special liturgies, the weekly collections, and distribution of bulletins. Those interested in becoming an Usher or Greeter should contact the Rectory.
Pre Cana helps couples prepare to live out married life in a Christian marriage. If you are a couple preparing to be married, contact the rectory office at least six months before your wedding date. Married couples who would like to become involved with this ministry should also contact the rectory office.