Thank you to all our parishioners and friends who support St. Edward the Confessor Church in many ways – from your weekly financial contributions at Mass to your participation in our fundraising and special event initiatives, and your ongoing generosity to the Parish Social Ministry Pantry and Chapter of St. Vincent DePaul.
Many of you have asked how you can support St. Edward Church during times of travel or other circumstances that prevent you from being with us at weekly Mass.
If you are so inclined, parishioner donation envelopes and checks can be mailed each week to St. Edward Church - 205 Jackson Avenue, Syosset, NY 11791- or dropped in the Rectory door mail slot at your convenience.
Automatic Recurring Donations are another way to make your donations to the parish. On each pre-scheduled date, your credit card or bank account is automatically charged. You decide the amount and how often it is: weekly, monthly, or other. A confirmation email is sent to you for every automatic donation. See the attached form. If you would like to make your donations to the church by using the Automatic Donations, please download the form complete and return it to the rectory.
Thank you for your generosity to St. Edward Church.
Thank you to all of our parishioners for your prayers and continued support. Rest assured, you are in the prayers of our priests and deacons every day.
St. Edward the Confessor, Pray for Us!
God Bless all of you for your support!
Sunday and Holy Day Masses can be viewed live from the comfort of your home.
Sunday Masses will be broadcast at 7:30 AM and 11:30 AM.
Use the following links to view the Masses:
If you sign on too early, you may need to refresh the page to view the broadcast.
The live broadcasts can also be accessed
through our parish Facebook page at:
(Click on the “WATCH VIDEO” tab.)
Please note that some additional services, such as The St. Joseph Prayer Group and other specially announced events at the discretion of our Pastor, are also broadcast.
Funerals are not taped or broadcast unless pre-arranged with the Ministry of Consolation and our pastor, Fr. Mike Maffeo.
How do you become a part of FORMED?
- Go to
- You will find three boxes midway down
the page: Get Free Trial/Sign Up Group/Enter Code
- Click on Enter Code
- Enter St. Edward's Access Code: 68K27J
- You will be asked to create an account with your
email address and to create a password.
It's that simple!
Enjoy - and God Bless You!
Information regarding the deadlines for filing proofs of claim in the Diocese’s chapter 11 case and the forms to use can be found by clicking on the following link to the Diocese’s bankruptcy website and scrolling down the page:
The St. Edward Women’s Group’s inaugural event - a festive wine & cheese party - was a big success. The parish community is looking forward to more activities in the future. We are building friendships through our Catholic faith!