Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts
Contact Info:
Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
Mentally awake and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is: Trustworthy, Obedient, Loyal, Cheerful, Helpful, Thrifty, Friendly, Brave, Courteous, Clean, Kind, Reverent
Joseph Gorman Council #5091
The parish community is looking forward to more activities in the future. We are building friendships through our Catholic faith!
Volunteers crochet and knit prayer shawls and lap blankets that are available at the Rectory, Pantry, Anointing of the Sick Masses, Cold Spring Hills Nursing Home, and Mercy Hospital. Shawls and blankets are free of charge. The Purls meet once a month.
Yarn donations are appreciated.
Volunteers come together to beautify our Church for various liturgies and services throughout the year, including Christmas and Easter. Helpers are always needed. If you want to become involved, leave your name and phone number in the Rectory.
The Holy Father in December had announced that 2021 is The Year of Saint Joseph. St. Joseph was a worker, devoted husband to Mary, a father figure to Jesus, and provides us with a great example of what a man should strive to be. Like Joseph, Sons and Fathers in Christ must always strive to deepen their faith in the Lord. Let us answer the call to prayer by coming together with total trust and faith by praying the Rosary and the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. The St. Joseph's Prayer Group is meeting every Thursday nights at 8:00 pm in the Church. Prayer pamphlets for how to pray the Rosary and Divine Chaplet will be made available to everyone.
The SEC Enrichment Committee plans and hosts several guest speakers for the benefit of our parishioners and the surrounding community. Topics vary and have included “Wills, Trusts, & Estate Planning for Everyone,” “Tax Planning for Today & Tomorrow,” and “Prepare, Respond & Recover: What to Do When Disaster Strikes.”
Call the rectory for information.
Our “Celebrate the Spirit” annual barbecue brings together the generations for an afternoon of delicious food, great music, raffles, and fun & games for our younger parishioners. This joyful celebration is usually scheduled after 11:30 AM Mass on a Sunday in late June. Plenty of volunteers are needed. Get involved by contacting the rectory and leaving your name and number.
Please feel free to contact any council member at any time regarding your “needs, feelings, hopes, and reactions.” All members can be reached through the Rectory office.
Pastoral Council: Fr. Michael T. Maffeo, Pastor;
Deacon James Murphy, JoAnn Bonasera , John J. Cleary, Chris Coschignano, June DeMarco, Mary Fay, Sr. Theresa Kelly, Kevin Moran, John O’Connor
Brianna Zaino, Donna Zaino
Advisory committee to the Pastor. Parish Trustees: Fran Scally and Tom Drennan.